5 Ways to Feel Less Stressed This Holiday Season

5 Ways to Feel Less Stressed This Holiday Season

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and festivities. But with all the shopping, cooking, traveling, and socializing, it can be difficult to maintain your sanity. Luckily there are some simple tips that will make this season less stressful! Here's how:


Plan your holiday shopping ahead of time

One of the most stressful parts of the holidays is shopping. If you're not careful, it can lead to more stress on top of your already hectic schedule. By planning your shopping ahead, you can make sure that you don't overdo it.



Cook a little bit at a time, instead of trying to cook for the whole week

If you're trying to cook for the whole week at once, it might lead to more stress on top of your already hectic schedule. Cook a little bit at a time instead, so that you don't overdo it.



Leave some space open in your schedule for relaxing

Leave some space open in your schedule for relaxing. You might be tempted to plan as much as possible, but it's okay to set some aside for downtime. Maybe you can make a lunch reservation with a friend, take a walk on your lunch break, or carve out time to watch one of your favorite movies.

You can also check out our collection of self-massagers that will definitely help you de-stress and unwind this holiday season.


Take care of yourself by getting enough exercise and relaxation time

When we're stressed we often find it difficult to fall asleep and then the next day that lack of sleep will make us feel even more exhausted. It's important to get plenty of rest so that you can enjoy all the festivities without feeling too tired.


Holidays can be an exciting time of year, but they're also a complicated and busy time. To avoid the stress that comes with this season, it's important to take care of yourself. These are just some suggestions on how you might do that. Be sure to share your ideas for reducing holiday-related stress in the comments below!

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